United Nature has been dedicated to the development of forest plantations since 1993. It manages more than 2,400 hectares of teak reforested areas,
United Nature harvests mainly from maintenance and thinning activities, which exports in containers to the two main markets, Vietnam and India.
Discover rolling hills with singing palms, majestic old hardwoods and succulent fruit trees. There are rambling rivers and spring fed streams flowing throughout.
United Nature has from the beginning been involved with conservation. We do not only do sustainable plantations, we also invest in buying rainforests for conservation. United Nature has today around 900 hectares of primary rainforest that we protect.
Read moreTeak grows only within a very narrow band around the world, within 20 degrees of the equator. Although not indigenous to Panama, this tiny country provides a uniquely perfect geographical, climatic, and geomorphological condition for the production of high-quality Teak.
See moreUnited Nature has been dedicated to the development of forest plantations since 1993.
Discover rolling hills with singing palms, majestic old hardwoods, and succulent fruit trees.
There are no known insect infestations that have done any large scale damage to any mature Teak plantation in Panama.
The Panamanian Government has enacted incentive programs to promote reforestation projects.
UNITED NATURE has been exporting certified high quality logs to the Asian markets for over 14 years now.
The reforestation area consists of reforested plantations of Teak, divided in 1 hectare parcels with at least 10,000 square meters each. All land is registered with the National Public Registry.
We are seeing a decreasing amount of natural forests due to global deforestation. If we begin to provide lumber from sustainable sources, we help to save our natural forests.
Due to increasing ecological pressure, many of the industrialized nations have banned the importation of tropical woods, unless cut from sustainable sources.
If the tropical forest is managed properly, the forest may survive. Otherwise, the forest is likely to disappear and with it all of the many benefits that the forest provides.
In addition to having implemented a strong conservation policy, the Panamanian Government has enacted incentive programs to promote reforestation projects.
If you want to take part as an investor, do not hesitate to contact us.